For the life of me, I Do Not Understand the loyalty of the people who still support him! trump hasn't done a damn thing for this country or it's citizens (except make us poorer and kill us). Whatever good you think he did is completely negated by his hateful, childish tantrums. He's been gaslighting this country long before he started running for president, only this time, instead of conning other countries and NYC, he came after America.
Now, I understand how a person can be brainwashed into believing they are less than and give up their will to an abuser. It happens everyday, even happened to me. But, I was strong enough to get out of that relationship and become a stronger person. But, trump is an abuser and he relishes in it. He bullies, belittles and demeans everyone who dares to go against him....and his followers---like the mentally deranged they are-- laugh and cheer. No one, not even the scum republicans he ridiculed, tried to tell him what he was doing was wrong. They just nodded their heads and hid in the shadows thinking he wouldn't turn on them. I guess his vile, despicable, deranged cult followers have always been vile, despicable and deranged---they just stayed out of sight in their closets. But, once trump opened his sphincter looking mouth spewing his hateful rhetoric, all the cockroaches came scurrying out of the woodwork.
The election in November told those things (people is too nice a word) that this country no longer wanted someone like him in office. It was proven over and over again that the election was fair and just. But, trump and his ilk just couldn't handle the truth. Because trump is a demented, vile, less-than-human thing, he riled up his cult and made them believe he was robbed! WHY? WHY, did he and they believe this??? When Hilary Clinton conceded the 2016 election (with grace and dignity) the vote count was stopped. If she hadn't conceded and told them to count Every Vote, she'd have won by the landslide trump claimed. Now, instead of a peaceful transfer of power, trump has again, riled up his cult....and this country is going to again, watch those hateful, ugly, despicable pieces of shit incite more violence on our government and capital.
I have a cousin....whom I disown, along with many more in my family, who has been posting his hateful rhetoric on Facebook since Hilary won the nomination. Even after trump took office, he still posted his bullshit about Hilary. And, yes, he's doing it now about Biden. Occasionally I look at his page because I foolishly think "Surely, he's stopped supporting trump. Surely he sees what a disaster this country is now, because of trump." Nope. The dumbass is posting that the attack at the capitol on January 6th was staged....that the anti-fascists' and Black Lives Matters supporters infiltrated the trumpers and broke doors and windows. Yes....he is THAT FUCKING STUPID!!
Yes, those vile, despicable, followers of his have always been vile and despicable, I just wish they had stayed in their closets.
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