No, I don’t really want to know the answers….well, okay…maybe I do. I’m a writer…I’m inherently nosy. =)
Actually this is the premise of The Liar’s Diary, by Patry Francis. Patry’s book hit the shelves today in paperback. And, to help her get the word out, I’m going to pose this question to you.
For myself, being the mother of four, I don’t know what I’d do. I know I would adamently believe in my son’s innocence, but would I turn him in and take our chances with the justice system? Or would I find someone else to lay the blame on? Hmm….I think I’d ship him to Canada….do they extradite??
Okay, seriously, that’s a tough question to answer and if you want to know what Patry’s character’s would do….buy the book!
It’s funny (strange) to read works by authors after you’ve met them because you tend to have this preconcieved notion about the kind of person they are. If you’ve ever read anything I’ve written (okay…that’s not really likely) you’d so have a different opinion of me….not quite sure if it would be good or bad…but you’d be surprised.
Anyway. I had the pleasure of meeting Patry (albeit very briefly) last year at the Backspace conference in New York. She’s a lovely, petite woman who seemed a bit shy and overwhelmed by the crowd at the conference. Of course, space was limited (it’s NY), so we were probably all a bit overwhlemed. But seeing this somewhat shy woman I’d have never guessed she could write something so dark.
About a month ago, I learned Patry was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. She’s been recovering well, but because of the debilitation of the illness she is unable to market and promote her book. Though I don’t really know her, we are both members of the same online writing sites, so in my eyes, that makes her family. And family is everything….(so I guess that answers my previous question.)
Several times over the last few months, I’ve sought out your help with my work or other writer’s works, and you’ve all been so very wonderful about it. So, now I’m asking again. Help support this writer, my friend, and pick up The Liar’s Diary. And, really, if you think about it, it’s not so much to ask. I’m telling you about a wonderful book and in return, you get to read it. It’s a win/win.
If you want to learn more about Patry Francis or her book, visit her at her website .
You can also go here and see how many more are stepping up to the plate in order to help this wonderful woman.
Order Patry’s Book at any of these sites: